Progress Update


It's been a while since the current version of the game was posted and a few changes have been made in the current development version. Perhaps the largest change I've made is to pivot from a level-based game to an endless runner. However, this will include an interlude style pause function that allows for upgrades to be made mid-play. This is primarily an experimental decision to see how such a pause mechanic will affect the style of play.

Changes already made (available in next update):

  • Game converted to endless runner style
  • Bullet flash added to enemy projectiles for improved visibility
  • Dynamite wagon boss enemy weakened slightly and converted to a rare-spawning enemy type

Changes still in progress for next update:

  • Revise UI layout
  • Implement 'Super Dynamite' feature spec
  • Insert UI status images for 'Super Dynamite'
  • Add in-game pause menu
  • Add 'Upgrades' screen to in-game pause menu
  • Add 'Character Select' screen to Main Menu, offering choice of Sheriff or Deputy
  • Add 'Controls' and 'How-To-Play' screens to Main Menu
  • Add 'High Score' tracker to Main Menu
  • Set up 'Restart' function on death
  • Implement interlude style pause screen to allow for mid-play upgrades
  • Introduce collision to obstacles (currently cacti, additional obstacles coming soon)
  • Fix explosion animation
  • Revise cacti sprite colours to differentiate obstacle from shadow
  • Add 2 additional weapon types
  • Add 3 additional ammunition types

The majority of these changes won't take long to implement, however, the interlude pause screen will take some experimentation to get right. This will also include a few periods of playtesting to refine the length of the interlude and the possible cooldown that may be required for it, as well as spot any bugs as a result of code changes.

I hope anyone reading this is as excited for these changes as I am. I'll update again soon!

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